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Dutch Oven Cookin' with Mama 5 Star!

Dutch Oven Cookin

AnchorLove to go trail riding but miss the comforts of cooking meals in your kitchen? With dutch oven cooking, anything that you can cook at home in your oven, you can cook on the trail!

Dutch Oven Eating Julia

Who is Mama 5 Star?  Perhaps you've seen one of her hilarious Snap Chat takovers? If not, maybe you should follow 5 Star on social media and watch those stories! Mama 5 Star, aka Mrs. Julia, is the co-owner and wife of Mr. Terry Moore. Together they own and operate 5 Star Equine Products along with their daughter, Rachel Lowrey and a team of dedicated and valuable employees.  Terry and Julia purchased 5 Star Equne Products in 2012, and they have maintained and built upon the company's original values focused on procuring the finest quality materials, using the best workmanship, and providing customer service unequaled in the Equine industry. 

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Terry And Julia Horses

Terry and Julia do not just own an equine company, they live the lifestyle and raised their family to be as passionate and caring with their equine partners as they are.  When Terry isn't riding cutting horses, he and Julia are on the trail. And when on the trail, they must eat!  That's where Julia's real talents come in handy.  She has developed quite the dutch oven cooking skills over the years!!  Keep a close eye on upcoming monthly newsletters for video tips, tutorials and cooking lessons from Mama 5 Star herself.  You may even get to know her dogs and horses as well.
Mama 5 Star

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The pad that set the standard!

5 Star Experiences

Cathy Coleman

United States

Thanks to your saddle pad, Shoii's back stays cool and protected while we are out on our little "jaunts!" Being able to continue to explore the world means the world to my horse... and being able to provide him the padding he needs with your products, means the world to ME! Thanks so muc

Debbie Ackerman Hershey

I chose 5 Star pads for my horses because wool felt is tried and true, the pads fit a variety of body, and i have never seen a dry spot on any of my horses since switching to 5 Star pads years ago. The pads can be cleaned, and they are made to last! Great product that I highly recommend!

Debbie Ackerman Hershey

I chose 5 Star pads for my horses because wool felt is tried and true, the pads fit a variety of body styles including broad backs and high withers, and i have never seen a dry spot on any of my horses since switching to 5 Star pads years ago.

Bre Curtis

I do not have a 5 star pad. I've looked at them every year at congress but never have been able to get one. My mare is picky, so I want to get what's best for her & to make her feel comfortable while running. I have heard so many great things about the 5 star pad & would love to have one!

Taylor McGivern

I LOVE (& highly recommend) my 5 star pad because they do not slip & are easily adjusted under a saddle. With the wither relief & contoured top line I know I can count on the perfect fit. I can ride with it in the show pen, a trail ride, or use in training with EASY cleaning just a few times a year.

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