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5 Star is dedicated to offering the best protection for your horse. Below you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you don’t find what you are looking for, reach out to us. We are here to help!


Yes, we do carry a selection of English Styles made with the same great benefits of our 100% Pure Pure Wool Felt. View our many different English Pads.

5 Star recommends that your saddle pad stick out 1″- 2″ in both the front AND the back of your saddle skirts. If you have more than 2″ of pad sticking out, the felt can begin to curl up overtime causing it to become abrasive.

Thickness will depend on length of time in the saddle, weight of rider, and the length of time spent riding. However, a general guideline to determine your pad thickness is listed below:

  • 1/2″ under pad – best for showing reining, cutting or pleasure horses when you still need protection, yet want to put a colorful blanket over the under pad for show purposes
  • 3/4″ – best for daily training sessions of 1 hour or less. Can be used under a VERY thin blanket to show
  • 7/8″ – best all-around thickness for regular use. Recommended for trail riding, team penning, cutting, reining, and barrel racing. Minimum recommended thickness for gear/rider weight combinations of 200 lbs. or more, or for rides of more than 4 hours at a time or over rough terrain.
  • 1″ – best for heavier riders or for especially long or hard use. Designed with ranch work in mind, for roping, performance, colt starting or heading to the mountains with lots of gear.
  • 1 1/8″ “Supreme Roper” thickness – Specially engineered for team roping, calf roping, steer stopping and performance.

Other factors to consider when determining your thickness:

  • How long will you be riding? If you ride more than four hours at one time on a regular basis, you need a pad that is at least 7/8″ thick.
  • How much do you weigh? If you and your gear together weigh more than 200 lbs., you should get at least a 7/8″ pad, but a 1″ would be better.
  • What kind of terrain will you be riding on? If you regularly ride over mountainous or hilly areas, again, you want at least a 7/8″ thick pad, but 1″ would be better.

Choose a skirt shape that complements your saddle skirts.

The mule contour uses a gentler curve along the spine, and has a wider profile over the shoulders to allow for the mule’s unique wither and body shape.

The low wither/mule contour is ideal for the flat backed, wide shouldered horse that has little to no wither. It also works great for the unique body shape of mules.

However, please be sure that you truly do have a low withered horse, or you may be frustrated with your pad not conforming well into the dip of your horse’s back. If you are not certain, email us a photo of your horse’s top line and we will assist you in making the decision.

Most of the time, the normal horse contour will work, even for horses with fairly high withers. However, for animals with high withers that really do need extra clearance, 5 Star recommends the no-gullet hole option, as this allows the contour to continue up and over the wither thus allowing for a higher clearance over the withers creating no pressure in the wither area. We also offer the flex fit cutout option for extremely high withers and for performance horses and trail riding. The wither area is cutback creating no pressure over the withers and allowing the pad to curve down into the unique back line of an extremely high withered horse.  This option is great for horses with muscle atrophy as well.  Please email us a photo of your horse’s top line if you think that this might be the best option for you.

5 Star’s NEW 100% pure fleece lining is the perfect compliment to our 100% pure wool 5 Star Pad!  It is available on any style 5 Star Pad! It is the ideal addition for those horse’s that might have extra sensitive skin or for an additional added layer of comfort and protection for your horse.  The natural properties of 5 Star’s exclusive wool still function through the fleece lining – wicking sweat, removing heat, and absorbing pressure.  5 Star is… naturally the best!

It is time to clean your pad to remove dirt and salt from sweat. Watch these short video clips to learn when and how to properly wash your 5 Star 100% All-Natural Pure Pure Wool Pad:

5 Star offers a PH Neutral Saddle Pad Cleaner that is safe for your 100% PURE wool saddle pads! 


Superior cleaning for wool and other types of saddle pads. Breaks down and softens the tough crust, sweat, grime and hair. Use regularly to improve the look, smell and feel of your pad while extending its useful life. Works on horse blankets, tack, carpets, clothing, boots, and even cleans your truck and trailer.

Instructions for use:

Surface Cleaning: Remove excess hair with a 5 star sponge or a rubber curry comb. Thoroughly wet your 5 Star Pad with warm water if available. Spray cleaner directly on underside of saddle pad until completely wet. Allow to set up to 30 minutes then brush crust & hair away before rinsing well with a water hose using gentle water pressure (do not use pressure washer).

Continue to rinse from the middle toward the outside edges until water runs clear. Repeat as needed. Deep Cleaning: Mix 6-8 oz. of concentrate per one gallon of warm water. Submerge the saddle pad and allow it to soak overnight

(8-10 hours). Agitate periodically to work solution into pad fibers. Rinse under gentle water pressure. Allow to air dry. Always spot test first on a small, inconspicuous area if being used on a sensitive fabric or surface.

CLEANS 4-6 Pads per bottle.

If your pad extends past the front or back of your saddle more than 2″, it can begin to curl up over time and become abrasive. 5 Star only recommends 1″ to 2″ of pad sticking out around your saddle in both length and width.

Most often we find that when your 5 Star Saddle Pad slides, it is due to poor saddle fit or from using a horse contoured pad on a flat or low withered back. If your pad is too thick, it can sometimes cause sliding as well. For a personal consultation, call us at 870-389-6328.

If your horse has a sway back, you should choose a pad of at least 1″ to 1 1/8″ thick with the flex fit change to No Gullet Hole for high withers. This contour is made specifically for high withered horse and to make room and protect the withers.  We also have shims available for extreme backlines. For a personal consolation, please call us at 870-389-6328.

5 Star’s industrial grade 100% all-natural pure pure wool has a compression ratio of 6.0 PSI and a Tensile Strength of 200 PSI which allows the weight to be dispersed away from pressure points on your horse’s back. The qualities of wool allow it to wick moisture, up to 20X its weight, and remove heat away from your horse. 5 Star pads are contoured and do not slip. They will continue to conform to the shape of your horses back with repeated use. 5 Star Equine’s 100% All Natural Pure Wool Pads offer the BEST PROTECTION for your horse’s back! Although 5 Star provides the best protection for your horse’s back, it will not completely resolve a saddle fit issue.

5 Star pads range in thickness from ½” to 1 1/8″ thick! The thicker pads have “more of the good stuff” between your saddle and your horse’s back! If you are unsure what thickness to get, call us at 870-389-6328.

Custom Order

Yes, we do take custom orders. Each pad is hand made with many different options available for you to customize your one of a kind 100% Pure Wool Saddle Pad.

  • 5 Star’s 100% Pure Wool comes in natural, dark chocolate, black, dark red, royal blue, turquoise, pink, raspberry, and purple.
  • We offer three different wear leather lengths: Regular Length, Full Length and Custom Full Length.
  • We offer 5 basic wear leather colors that you can choose from at no additional cost. They are Brown, Dark Brown, Aged Bark, Latigo and Black.
  • We offer a large selection of different stamped and hair on wear leathers for a unique and personalized look for an additional fee.
  • Standard or Custom Embroidery is available. If you don’t see the design that you want on our website, call us at 870-389-6328. We can digitize your artwork and embroider it on a circle, diamond, or modified triangle leather patch or directly on your custom full length wear leather.
  • 5 Star Pads can be further customized with a spot border or with 100% Genuine Swarovski® crystals.  Additionally, we offer fringe and custom embroidery.
  • If you don’t see what you want on our website, call us at 870-389-6328. We can hand cut, hand tool and hand paint a pad and wear leather to your specific specifications!

You can customize your pad online or call us to order your pad today at 870-389-6328.

Yes, we do custom embroidery and can digitize your artwork for an additional digitization fee. If you don’t see a standard design that you want online, call us at 870-389-6328, we may have the design in our library. If we don’t have it, we can create it!

5 Star’s 100% pure pure wool felt can be custom cut to your exact specifications! Measure your saddle length and width, or trace an outline of your saddle onto a sheet on your horses back and send us the template. We will be happy to work with you on your custom pad!

Wear Leathers

We have 5 standard wear leather options available at no additional charge. Brown, Dark Brown, Black, Aged Bark and Latigo.

If you do not specify a choice, your pad will be as follows:

  • Black Pad – Brown Leathers
  • Dark Chocolate Pad – Aged Bark Leathers
  • Natural Pad – Dark Brown Leathers
  • Purple – Oro Russet Leathers
  • Dark Red – Dark Brown Leathers
  • Royal Blue – Oro Russet Leathers
  • Pink – Dark Brown Leathers
  • Turquoise – Aged Bark Leathers
  • Raspberry – Dark Brown Leathers

5 Star uses 5 to 6 ounce oil tanned cow hide purchased in the U.S.A

5 Star only uses real hide from real cows thus creating a natural variance in colors and patterns from one hide to the next.


5 Star’s 100% pure wool felt comes in natural, dark chocolate, black, pink, raspberry, purple, turquoise, dark red, or royal blue dyed with all-natural vegetable-based horse and environmentally safe dye.  There is the potential (although we have not had many complaints) of the bright dyes bleeding onto your horses’ back initially.  If this arises, it should subside after a few uses.  This would be more noticeable on a light-colored horse and is perfectly safe as the dye is an all-natural vegetable-based dye that is safe for both you and your horse.  We do have pad liners available that can be placed between the pad and your horse if this is a concern.

Not all colors available in every thickness.

  • Black Pad – Brown Leathers: 1/2″, 3/4″, 7/8″, 1″, 1 1/8″
  • Dark Chocolate Pad – Aged Bark Leathers: 1/2″, 3/4″, 7/8″, 1″
  • Natural Pad – Dark Brown Leathers: 1/2″, 3/4″, 7/8″, 1″, 1 1/8″
  • Purple – Oro Russet Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″
  • Dark Red – Dark Brown Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″
  • Royal Blue – Oro Russet Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″
  • Pink – Dark Brown Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″
  • Turquoise – Aged Bark Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″
  • Raspberry – Dark Brown Leathers: 3/4″, 7/8″

Natural felt and cord has been processed much less than dyed ones. Therefore, when you purchase a dyed product, you are paying for the materials and labor that went into creating it.  The brightly colored dyes are more expensive therefore the price of the pads will also reflect this cost.

Pad Liners

5 Star does not recommend double padding, however if you need to protect your investment (especially during springtime shedding), we offer a pad liner in a lower grade felt to keep costs down. This liners are inexpensive and easily replaceable. They are also good to use during changes to your horse’s comfirmation.  They come in either a 30″ x 28″, 30″ X 30″ or 32″ X 32″ and can be ordered in custom sizes by calling 870-389-6328.

The 5 Star Pad Liners and Cinch Savers are made with a slightly lower quality felt to keep costs down as they are simply used to protect your investment especially during spring time shedding. Rest assured that the 5 Star pad that you use will bond to the liner and continue to wick up through the liner both absorbing moisture and cooling your horse. The bond creating between the pad and liner will prevent slipping.

Watch this short video to learn how to properly brush your 5 Star 100% Pure Wool Pad:


Every 5 Star 100% Pure Wool Saddle Pad comes with a rubber sponge to keep your pad clean. We recommend that you brush your pad in a circular motion after every ride to remove dirt, hair and debris. Your pad can be cleaned both damp and dry after a ride. We do have replacement sponges available to order if you need a new one. Watch this short video to learn how to properly brush your 5 Star 100% Pure Wool Pad:

Every 5 Star 100% Pure Wool Saddle Pad comes with a rubber sponge to keep your pad clean. We recommend that you brush your pad in a circular motion after every ride to remove dirt, hair and debris. Your pad can be cleaned both damp and dry after a ride.

Every 5 Star 100% Pure Wool Saddle Pad comes with a rubber sponge to keep your pad clean. We recommend that you brush your pad in a circular motion after every ride to remove dirt, hair and debris. Your pad can be cleaned both damp and dry after a ride. When your pad starts to get hard areas of dirt and dried salt, it is time to wash your pad. We recommend hanging your 5 Star Pad by the gullet hole and washing it with either Woolite ® or a horse safe shampoo and a water hose. Wash from the top down, make sure you remove all traces of soap, and let your pad dry completely before use. Never lay your 5 Star pad on its back to dry as the lacing can come undone.

RECOMMENDED CARE INSTRUCTIONS can be viewed at 5 Star Pad Care and Cleaning.

Watch these short video clips to learn when and how to properly wash your 5 Star 100% All-Natural Pure Wool Pad:

If your pad has lost its compression, and you don’t feel like has the same protection that it did when your pad was newer, it’s time to replace your pad.


Please see the Shipping and Deliveries Section on our Shipping Page.

Please allow 5-10 business days for your handcrafted item to leave our facility. Transit times vary based on location. See the map below.

You can order directly from 5 Star Equine Products online or via telephone by calling us at 870-389-6328.

Our dealer locator can be found here. Enter your address to find a dealer near you!

5 Star Equine Products ships internationally and has dealers worldwide! Check out our shipping page or our dealer locator to find out how to get 5 Star Pads in your country.

We guarantee and stand behind all of 5 Star’s workmanship. We also stand behind the 100%  Wool felt. We will replace unsatisfactory workmanship or defects in felt due to the manufacturing process or the assembly of the 5 Star pads. We will not stand behind the felt or workmanship if it has not been cleaned or cared for as we have recommended.

If you haven’t placed it on your horse, you can return your 5 Star Product to us for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Customers are responsible for shipping to and from on all exchanges.

Custom orders are final and cannot be returned. Custom pads consist of any pad that has wear-leather changes (color, length, style), embroidery, crystals, spots, fringe, cutouts, special wither options, special cut pad styles, etc. If it is not a standard pad with the basic wear leathers that come standard on the pad with a standard gullet hole, it is considered custom. Custom Patriot boots with accent leathers. Breast collars, halters, and cinches that are custom ordered are non returnable.

If your product qualifies for a return or exchange. You may call or email the 5 Star office for paperwork regarding your product. All returns require paperwork, which will be sent through email.

Phone Number:
(870) 389-6328  ext: 110

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Mail Returns/Exchanges to:

5 Star Equine Products

4589 Hwy 71 South

Hatfield, Arkansas 71945

Cinches and Breast Collars

  • Measure from center of underside of chest in girth area
  • Stop measurement at approximately 4 inches above and behind elbow
  • Take measurement and multiply by two
    On average:

    • Horses between 12 to 14 hands use a 22 inch cinch
    • Horses between 14 to 15 hands use a 24 – 26 inch cinch
    • Horses 15 hands and very round us a 28 – 30 inch cinch
    • Horses between 16 to 18 hands use a 32 – 34 inch cinch
    • Horses very rarely need a cinch over 34 inches

  • Natural
  • Solid Colors: Light Grey, Dark Grey, Sorrel, Burgundy, Red, Black, Hot Pink, Turquoise, Royal Blue, Steel Blue, Yellow, and Plum
  • Candy Stipe (twisted strands of mohair into one mohair cord): 2 Black/1Natural/1Sorrel, 2 Black/2 Natural, 2 sorrel/2 Natural, 2 Brown/2 Natural, 1 Red/1Black/2 Natural, 2 Red/2 Black.

  • Woven cinchas are 2 layers of mohair cord with woven in “bars”. They can be created in either the straight/cutter style or the roper style and have 30 or 31 strands. They have a leather latigo keeper on the off side
  • Tied cinchas are the traditional flat cinchas with a single layer of mohair cord and can be created with 17, 19, or 21 strands. The 17 and 21 strands have the center “D” rings attached with nylon webbing. The 19 strand has “tied in” center “D” rings attached with mohair cord. Each cord is approximately 1/4″ in width, so cinch width varies according to the number of strands.
  • Tied-woven cinchas are a combination with tied ends and woven “bars”. They have either 30 or 31 strands and have a leather latigo keeper on the off side. They can only be created with mid bar style buckles.

Cinchas are available in natural, solid color, pinstripe (alternating strands of 2 different colors), or candy stripe (created using 1 cord of twisted colors). You can also add half diamonds, whole diamonds or diamonds with trim for a custom look. We also offer the traditional Vaquero style cinchas with diamonds, bars, bells, and a shufly tassel! For custom orders, call us at 870-389-6328!

5 Star Cinchas are made using flat buckle hardware to prevent pinching. They are available in solid stainless steel or brass and will never rust.

Mohair refers to a silk-like fabric or cord made from the hair of the Angora goat. Mohair is a wool-like fiber that has a lot of the same great all-natural properties as 100% Wool. 5 Star uses only the finest 8 ply mohair available, twisted with minimal tie breaks and consistent tensile strength allowing for a comfortable fit with less cinch soring, no sweat galling, and no strength deficit. 5 Star 100% All-Natural Mohair is spun using no synthetics and is dyed with all-natural vegetable based dyes that are safe for your horse. Please note, it is possible for the colors from the dye to leach onto your horse, but it is perfectly safe. The natural mohair is not dyed and is the color that comes from the Angora goat. For more information on Mohair, please read the article Why Mohair? Article.

This unique combination front and back cincha does not put any pressure on the back of the rib cage and stomach barrel. When a standard back cinch is tightened enough to hold the back of the saddle in place, it constricts the horse’s ability to expand its rib cage when breathing deeply. The Y cincha brings all the pressure forward to where the front cinch already is. Thus, the back of the saddle is stabilized with no pressure on the rib cage or stomach barrel. This can be the key to finding that extra edge for riding performance!

5 Star Equine’s 100% Mohair Cinchas will last many years with proper care. The 100% Stainless Steel or Solid Brass Hardware will not rust. When your cinch becomes dirty or begins to rub your horse, it is time to clean your cinch. You can soak it in a Woolite ® Solution or use a horse safe shampoo. After soaking, rinse your cinch thoroughly and hang to dry, repeat if necessary.

Yes, we do make breast collars. They are made with the same great cord and buckles as our cinchas and are available in matching designs and colors! The standard breast collar size is 36″, but we can custom make one to your specifications. Call us at 870-389-6328 to order yours today.

Our Cinch Saver comes in either the roper or cutter style, and it is made of 100% pure wool felt. Always remember to keep your Cinch Saver clean to avoid the felt becoming abrasive.


We would be happy to assist you with any and all questions! Please call us at 870-389-6328 or email us and what of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.


We guarantee and stand behind all of 5 Star’s workmanship. We also stand behind the 100% Pure Wool felt. We will replace unsatisfactory workmanship or defects in felt due to the manufacturing process or the assembly of the 5 Star pads. We will not stand behind the felt or workmanship if it has not been cleaned or cared for as we have recommended.